RAQMN announces the winners of “Design at Home” competition

The Cooperative Society for Digital Transformation (RAQMN) has announced on Sunday morning, 12th July 2019, the names of the winners of صمم_بالبيت (Design at Home) competition, which was launched recently to encourage innovation and creativity from homes coinciding with the situation of COVID-19.

The society’s chairman, Dr. Hassan Al-Amir, confirmed that صمم_بالبيت (Design at Home) competition revealed the wide world of creativity and innovation that our nation holds, proven by the quality of the submission. Noting that this competition will contribute to the enrichment of digital content and introduce new talents and creatives, to whom he expressed deep appreciation for the quality of their submissions.

After going through several stages of reviews, the results of the jury for the prizes came as following:

The first place was for “Lujain Hamid Dhafi”, awarded 10,000 SAR.

The second place was for “Ibtihal Nabil Zawawi”, awarded 6,000 SAR.

The third place was for “Muhammad Saeed Abdullah”, awarded 4,000 SAR.

The competition witnessed a number of stages to ensure high technical standards, supervised by a specialized jury, consisting of: Dr. Ammar Bakkar, Eng. Hani Al-Ghafili, Prof. Ali Al-Azazi, Pro. Ibrahim Al-Rousa, and Eng. Moataz Hajjaj.

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